Monday, May 17, 2010


Introducing Yoga for Dancers!

My name is Carla Chernencoff and I will be teaching the new yoga program at Argyll School of Celtic Arts. I studied dance at the Goh Ballet and at Royal Winnipeg Ballet, and took numerous other types of dance. Later I added a yoga practice to my life and what struck me was how much of an advantage yoga would have been to my dance training if I had known about its benefits sooner.
Dancers have very specific needs and the classes you will find at Argyll are tailor made. There are as many types of yoga as there are types of dance. Our classes will focus on flexibility, injury prevention, self-esteem, and competition preparation.
These classes are also interactive. With your active participation, I will be better able to assess your abilities and progress. When students give feedback during the class I can adapt real-time to better meet the needs of the class. This is not a class where everyone simply follows the teacher in a set series of poses.
Even though these classes are designed for dancers, everyone can reap the benefits of them. They are open classes and everyone is welcome.

The summer session will run from July 6 to August 26, and students can choose either a Tuesday or Thursday evening class (or, of course, both) from 7:00 – 8:00 pm. Information regarding the fall session will follow. There will be an introductory class available for the month of June on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:00 pm starting June 1.

If you have any questions about Yoga for Dancers, please feel free to contact me directly by email at Thanks so much for taking the time to read this introduction and I hope to see you at the studio.

Most sincerely,
Carla Chernencoff

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Argyll School of Celtic Arts Spring Newsletter

First of all, I wish to congratulate all of the dancers and parents who participated in and survived the competition held in Kelowna last month. I was very proud of everyone. Secondly, I wish to congratulate the Miriam, Karen, Wren, Claire, and Mary for competing in the Mini Meet Indoor Piping and Drumming competition held last weekend. All received top marks in their categories.

Here are some quick dates and points to mark:

Sunday, April 25th - School Bottle drive - Meet at the studio at 9:30. A sign up sheet will be posted at the studio where everyone is to indicate whether they can A) Drive B)Sort or C) I can’t take part but I may have some bottles to donate

Saturday, June 5th - in Studio Rehearsal - Time TBA This is a final costume fitting and stage blocking in preparation for our Show on June 12th

Friday, June 11th - 4:00 - 6:00 at the Powerhouse Theatre - Dress Rehearsal.

Saturday, June 12th - Please drop children off at the Theatre no later than 5:50. The show will run from approximately 6:30 - 7:45 followed by an awards ceremony. A costume rental fee of $20 for the primary classes and $25 for all other classes is due by May 15th.

Saturday, June 19th - Downtown Sunshine Festival - A sign-up sheet will be posted. Depending on the number of children who wish to take-part, dancers will either do their show number, traditional dances, or both.

Saturday, June 26th - Coquitlam Highland Games - I will be attending this competition this year. I will forward the entry form to any one interested in also attending

Saturday, July 10th - Kamloops Highland Games - There have been several parents and children who have expressed interest in dancing their first competition at this event. It is a very fun event - fit for the whole family. A sign-up sheet will be posted so that I can ensure that dancers are properly prepared. Dancers will need an IHDA number and a Scotdance card. These are not difficult to obtain but it is best that the form are completed in an adequate amount of time before the event.

Finally, I have decided to start using practise books for those children who can read. The purpose of this is not for them to be practicing every night for two hours - although that would be nice, it is simply a way that I can communicate with parents on what I would like the children to review at home before the next lesson. Studies have shown that mental rehearsal can be just as effective in learning as physical rehearsal. So if you could just take a moment each day or every other day to ask your child to show you what is new or ask them if there is something they need to review, that would be fantastic. In no way should this turn into a power struggle. I would like children to enjoy their activity - not dread it.

Thanks again for your continued support and interest.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Events to Come

I would like to congratulate all of the dancers who completed exams this year. Things ran very smoothly and the examiner was happy with the quality of dancing. Way to go. Now we have entered competition season and, of course, we have begun preparing dances for the year end performance. Parents should expect to see part of their dancers dance class devoted to the year end performance. This is a very exciting time of year for both teachers and students! Here are some dates that you should take not of:

Saturday, Feb. 20th - PIPE PRACTICE - WINFIELD @12:30 - This is a group practice to run the dances for the up-and-coming competition. If you have costume questions or concerns, bring your costume. If your dancer is not competing next weekend but would like the extra practise, they are definitely welcome to come. We will also be discussing our trip to Scotland planned for next year. Our approximate date of departure is around July 17th and we will be staying in Stirling. I am hoping to present some accomadation options as well as the trip's budget on Saturday. If you would like to be included in these plans, now is the time to get involved.

Saturday, Feb. 27th - KAMLOOPS COMPETITION - Primary, Beginner, and Novice dancers dance at 9:00am so be sure to be at the competition no later than 8:20am. Intermediate and Premier dancers could dance as early as 12:00 so please be at the competition no later than 11:00 to receiver proper warm up and preparation time. Don't forget that you need to bring your Scotdance Card.

Friday, March 5th - CHAMPIONSHIP CLASS - CSB @ 4 :15 - I can provide rides for Vernon dancers.


Friday, March 20th - CHAMPIONSHIP CLASS - CSB @ 4:15

Saturday, March 21st - PIPE PRACTICE - WINFIELD @ 12:30

Saturday, March 27th and Sunday March 28th - WESTERN CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS - Kelowna. This is an open competition for all levels.

Friday, April 2nd - CHAMPIONSHIP CLASS - CSB @4:15

Saturday, April 17th - KIMBERLY COMPETITION - Please let Trish, Lindsey or I know if you are interested in attending this competition. We are in the process of arranging a van/bus and accommodations at the ski chalets for a very great deal. I just need to know some numbers. I think it could be a lot of fun.



There will definitely be more dates to come but please make note of these for the time being. On a final note, Miss Meghann will no longer be teaching with our club. As you all know, Miss Meghann recently had a baby. Miss Meghann's husband has been offered an exciting job opportunity in Edmonton and so Miss Meghann and her new family will be moving. Miss Meghann was definitely an asset to our club and we are all sorry to see her go but we wish her luck and happiness. I am sure she will be back for visits. Miss Meghann will be at the Pipe practise on Saturday if you would like to give her one last hug.

That is all for now.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


8:30 THEORY - Sophie Barbour, Tasha Wilson, Emily Furlot, Stanley Prescott and Teaghan Atkins
9:00 TINY TOTS, PREPRATORY, AND PRELIMINARY- AylnYoung, Kohnke, Brooke McGee, Taylor Cornell, Kiera Atkins, Sonja theissen
9:15 PRE-BRONZE FLING- Abby Kiehlbauch,Ailish McRae,Lauren McGee, Jasmine etman, Brooke and bryn Forrest
9:20 SILVER FLING- Sophie Barbour, Tasha Wilson, Kya Hanson, Max Atkins
9:30 BRONZE FLING - Emily Furlot, Erika Kiehlbauch, Cara Spelliscy, and Christine Wilson, Katelyn McGillivray, Alex Mckinnon
9:40 SILVER SWORD - Sophie Barbour, Tasha Wilson, Kya Hanson, and Max Atkins
10:00 BRONZE SWORD - Emily Furlot, Erika Kiehlbauch, Cara Spelliscy, and Christine Wilson, Katelyn McGillivray
10:15 SILVER ST - Sophie Barbour, Tasha Wilson, Kya Hanson, and Max Atkins
10:25 Gold and Gold I fling (6 step) - Stanley Prescott, and Kya Hanson
10:30 PRE BRONZE LILT - Abby Kiehlbauch, Lauren McGee, Cara Spelliscy
10:40 GOLD AND GOLD I SWORD (3&1) - Stanley Prescott, Teaghan Atkins, and Kya Hanson
10:50 BRONZE LILT - Christine Wilson & SILVER LILT - Emily Furlot
10:55 GOLD ST and DEMOS - Stanley Prescott, Teaghan Atkins, and Kya Hanson
11:10 SILVER NATIONAL - JOHNNY - Emily Furlot
11:15 GOLD NATIONAL - FLORA - Sophie Barbour, Kya Hanson, Tasha Wilson, Max Atkins
11:20 SW1&2 NATIONAL - BLUE BONNETS- Teaghan Atkins and Stanely Prescott
11:30 GOLD NATIONAL - BARRACKS JOHNNY - Sophie Barbour, Kya Hanson, Tasha Wilson, Max Atkins
11:35 SW1&2 NATIONAL - SCOTCH MEASURE - Teaghan Atkins and Stanley Prescott
11:40 GOLD NATIONALSW1 - LADDIE - Sophie Barbour, Kya Hanson, Tasha Wilson, Max Atkins, and Stanley Prescott
11:50 SW2 NATIONAL- VILLAGE MAID - Teaghan Atkins
12:15 PRE BRONZE/BRONZE JIG - Sophie Barbour and Tasha Wilson
12:30 Silver Jig - Teaghan Atkins
12:40 PRE BRONZE/BRONZE HORNPIPE - Sophie Barbour, Tasha Wilson, Max Atkins
12:50 Silver Hornpipe - Teaghan Atkins and Stanley Prescott

Robbie Burns and Exams


First of all I would like to thank those who were able to make it to our extra practice on Saturday. I understand that it was a bit overwhelming for some of the little ones. I apologize for that. I will begin teaching in Kelowna on Tuesday and soon we will all be comfortable with one another. Likewise, the Kelowna teachers will be popping in on the Vernon crew from time to time.

Secondly, I would like to thank the dancers that have performed during the last two weeks. We still have a couple of performances to go!

Now for exams. It has come to my attention that there are many parents that are not sure exactly what to expect for the exam. The exam schedule for Kelowna will be included in this blog and a copy will also be posted in the Studio. If your dancer is completing an exam for the first time, they are likely completing a Tiny Tots exam, a Prepatory/Preliminary exam, a Pre-Bronze Fling, or a Bronze Fling and Sword. You should have received a sheet with your child's name on it that listed exactly what exam was being completed and the corresponding amount. This form is my record of any changes in your child's exam level and whether or not your payment matches the exam. You were to hand back in the form with a cheque payable to the Argyll School of Celtic Arts. These sheets are what I based the schedule on. If you have not received a sheet, please ask your teacher to supply one for your child. I will be teaching Tuesday night and will pick up the remaining sheets and payments at that time. On Thursday morning beginning at 8:30, a lady named Sheena McDonald will be conducting the Kelowna exams. She is a well known judge and examiner from Scotland. Please ensure your new dancer that this is not a scary experience. They will go into the studio with one or two other dancers and they will dance their dance and then they will be done. In the spring, we will hold a little Tea to celebrate the completion of the exams and the dancers will receive their awards - (special medals and certificates sent from Scotland). This is a exciting event that the kids will learn to look forward to. I hope this information helps, if it doesn't, please phone me (260-1668). If you are a parent who has been through exams before, and you are unsure what your child is dancing - everyone who is completing an exam is on the Kelowna schedule - Vernon Schedule is to come.

Now for some fun stuff. In Vernon, we will be holding a pre - float building float meeting at my studio at 5:00ish. This is open for anyone who is crafty and creative who is available to help set up our float next Friday. Remember, Kelowna parents, your children are invited to come and ride the float on Saturday, Jan. 30th or dance along with it. A couple of you have already said you are coming - that is awesome!! I envision a sea of kilts!!!

Our next Pipe Practice is February 20th at the Lake Country School of Dance at 12:30. We will be holding a Scotland Trip Meeting at that time. Your attendance and imput is very appreciated. Let's make this trip happen!

I think that is it. Please find attached to your email the entry form for the up-and-coming Kamloops competition. Scotdance BC forms will be available on the website to download very soon. Contact me if you need a form in the mean time. I will be sending the IHDA applications and the Scotdance forms that have been turned into me today. These cards are only applicable for dancers who compete.

Thank you for your continued support of your child's activities.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Good Evening,

I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday. Now it is time to get down to business! Exams are just a couple of weeks away and then it will be right back to competition prep and before you know it we will be rehersing for the Year End Show! Wow, where did the time go? I just wanted to remind you all of a couple of important dates and details in my first official blog. Here we go!

Saturday, January 16th - 12:30 - Exam practise in Winfield at Lake Country School of Dance - We will be running the dances just as they will be danced on Exam day. We will also be testing theory. The other teachers and I strongly suggest that dancers who are completing exams be at this practise. Please bring your practice skirts and jig shoes.

Saturday, January 16th - 7:15 - Robby Burns Night at St. Davids (Kelowna) - Very few dancers have signed up for this so if your dancer is available, we would appreciate your attendance.

Friday, January 21st - 7:00 - Robby Burns Night - Peachland Seniors Center - Once again, we have a small group going to this event and therefore we would welcome as many dancers as possible.

Saturday, January 22nd - 2:00 - Robby Burns - Hawthorne Park (Kelowna)

Sunday, January 23rd - 1:30 - Robby Burns - Anglican Church (Vernon)

Monday, January 24th - 5:30pm - Robby Burns - Coldstream Seniors Center (Vernon)

Thursday, January 28th - EXAMS - Canadian School of Ballet (Kelowna) - 8:00am
Argyll School of Celtic Arts (Vernon) - 3:00
Saturday, January 30th - Vernon Winter Carnival Parade - I am looking for dancers to be on our float and dance along the side - Kelowna dancers are welcome!! We will be having a special float decorating day to beef it up a bit. We won second last year - I think we can do better than that! (Am I competitive or what?)

Saturday, January 30th - Scotch Tasting Event - Vernon Winter Carnival - Get your tickets ASAP. I think this will be a sell out. I have some at the studio but there are also some at the carnival office.

Saturday, Febuary 6th - Community Showcase - Perfoming Arts Center - Vernon - Time TBA

Saturday, Febuary 28th - IHDA Competition - Kamloops. Entries will be sent out next week. Please make sure that you have a 2010 IHDA card. This is complimentry for new dancers. There is no longer a form to fill out - they have gone paperless. If you need a card, please email Jackie Pattison directly at Also, Scotdance cards have now expired. The 2010 form is available at both studios. Just a reminder, Miss Trish, Miss Barbour, Miss Barb, and myself (Janet) are available for privates if extra work is needed to be ready for the competition. Finally, I need at least five volunteers to help out at the Kamloops competition. This is an IHDA competition - we are all members and have to do our share to help. The IHDA fees are used to keep the competitions running in the Interior and they will also be used to help subsidize a bus trip this spring.

Finally, Miss Meghan is finishing up teaching as she will be having a baby soon. Miss Barbour and myself will be teaching the Tuesday night classes until further notice. It will give me a chance to get to know the parents and dancers in Kelowna a bit better and spend time at my old stomping ground -CSB - I can't wait.

If you have any questions regarding any of this, please feel free to email me back. Email is probably the best way to go as sometimes dance teachers don't have time in between classes.

Take care.
